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Niche? That's Nice | My Take on Niching Down with Bookstagram

Hey there, fellow bookworms! Let's chat about something that's been on my mind lately: the age-old debate of whether to niche down or share it all on Bookstagram. You know, that little corner of the internet where we all gather to gush over our latest literary obsessions and bond over our shared love for the written word.

I recently stumbled upon a thought-provoking video that urged viewers not to niche down. The premise? Our personalities are multifaceted, comprised of a kaleidoscope of interests, passions, and hobbies. So why should our social media feeds be any different? I mean, let's be real, about 80% of the time, the book I'm reading becomes my entire personality (anyone else relate?), but hey, that other 20%? Yeah, I've got a few other things up my sleeve too.

And you know what? I'm starting to really dig that concept. As this little Bookstagram space of mine continues to grow and evolve, I find myself yearning to share the most authentic version of myself with all of you wonderful folks out there.

So here's the burning question: are you team niche down or team share it all? Do you prefer a feed that's laser-focused on one specific theme or interest, or do you enjoy following accounts that offer a delightful mishmash of content, reflecting the full spectrum of their creators' personalities?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! After all, Bookstagram is all about fostering connections and celebrating our shared love for books, so why not extend that spirit of camaraderie to our approach to content creation too?

Drop your comments below and let's spark some lively discussion! Whether you're a proud

member of team niche down or an advocate for sharing it all, remember that the beauty of Bookstagram lies in its diversity and inclusivity. So let's keep those bookish vibes going strong, shall we? ✨📚💕


Welcome to my blog!

I'm Hannah and I'm the gal behind Hannah Books It where I'm sharing my favorite reads, my life, and more!

I'm the author of sweet romance novels and reader of all genres!

I can't wait to become bookish besties!



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